'Then and Now' Short Film

Five decades after the assassination of Dr Martin Luther King and we’re still fighting the same battle.
Dates may have changed but racism remains.
How can the world have progressed yet still be the same?
We are the human race. We are one race. We are one. ✊🏿✊🏽✊🏻
This short film, Then & Now, is an adaptation of the play, Halfway to Memphis, which should have debuted at the Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Fringe, 2020. The adaptation was written in response to the murder of George Floyd. We hope that this video continues to raise awareness of the injustice and anti-black attitudes which insidiously seep into corners and crevices of society; we must challenge the toxic voice of racism when it rears it’s ugly head.


Victoria Buse


Victoria Buse


Birmingham, England


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